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The most interesting way to learn is a game.
That's why I've created this deck of cards to tell players about 'good' and 'bad' in man-woman relationships.

Card stories were created with a help of 2 heroes.
heroes heroes
How the deck works?
I've used the main principle of the most card games when low cards are 'bad' and high cards are 'good'.
Low cards
On low cards you see really bad gender situations:
card card
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card card
Middle cards
On middle cards our couple became much better because they do normal gender stuff:
card card
card card
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card card
Kings and Queens
But to become a Dame or a King they should understand each other's life, so they destroyed borders between only-woman and only-man actions:
card card
card card
card card
card card
For the Aces I left best moments, when all borders are already vanished, so man and woman have created a happy family and just do everything together:
card card
card card
card card
card card
So during the game players will throw away low cards fast and will save high cards to the end of the game because that's the best way to win.
And I hope they will understand somehow or maybe just feel that they are throwing away 'gender stereotypes' and saving 'family happiness'.


maybe they will just smile looking on these hand-drown pictures.
hole deck hole deck
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